Taking Care Of Your Lawn When You're Not Home

So you're not home, but the lawn is still growing and is exposed to all sorts of elemental forces and pests. What can you do? No matter if you're on vacation or just away for the season, Fox Pro Landscaping is here to help you get a handle on your lawn care when you're away.
Be sure to connect with our team today to learn more about how to schedule lawn care services for your lawn and garden.
Things To Do Before You Go
Before you take off on your vacation or trip, there are a few things you should do for your lawn. Doing these things will help you better maintain and preserve your lawn for the better. Take a look:
- Mow Your Lawn - Depending on the season, your lawn is going to grow a whole lot or not too much. If you're leaving during the summer, your lawn is going to grow a bunch. Depending on how long your trip will be will also determine when you should trim your lawn. You may want to wait right up until the moment you leave or give yourself a buffer of a day or two. No matter what, you're going to want to mow it so you have less to mow when you come back.
- Make A Watering Plan - If your trip is during a dry season or there just hasn't been much rain to start with, you'll need to make a plan for watering. You can hire a professional to handle this for you or ask a neighbor to sprinkle some water while you're gone. If you have a built-in irrigation system, set the time to water once a day or every few days while you're gone.
Things For When You Come Back
Your lawn will need a bit of extra care when you come back from your trip. Since the lawn has been able to grow a bit more than usual, you're going to want to trim a bit less off than you usually do. Don't cut off more than 1/3 of the grass blades at a time, so just cut the lawn a bit higher until you reach the height you want over time. This may require more than your usual amount of mows.
And when it comes to watering, you're going to want to examine the lawn itself before you do. If you had rain while you were away, there's a chance you don't need to water. If things are looking a little dry, however, water to your heart's desire.
Things To Consider For Longer Trips
If you leave for a longer trip or for a whole season, the above-listed tips might not be the best in terms of long-term lawn care. In this case, you'll want to consider hiring a professional lawn care service provider. Professional lawn care services can be instrumental in maintaining the state of your lawn and garden when you're away.
Fox Pro Landscaping offers quality lawn care services that will help maintain your home's image while you're away, such as mowing, fall & spring cleanup, fertilization, and more. All you need to do is give us a call and we can work out a schedule that will fit your needs.